2 little gifts to celebrate 500 followers over at Twitter. Hope you like them!❤ I've also joined Patreon! Optional, my CC stays free and will be released here once Early Access is over. Twitter Gift; Peacock EarringsTechnical Details BGC. New Mesh. All LOD's. Proper Flags. 17 Swatches. Bump, Specular map. Custom Thumbnail. Original mesh credits; EA. Within EA's Polycount. Disabled for Random. Terms of UseBefore you Download... Please be considerate and make sure you've read my (whole) TOU which you can find HERE. Here's a 'shortcut' version: Do not (re)upload my creation(s) to other sites. Only spread my original tumblr post with the original link. This will always be a link to my website! Never a straight to SFS link! Recolors are awesome! Just don't include the mesh. Don't claim my creation(s) as yours. Don't edit my meshes (read full TOU for more info) Give credit, where credit is due. DOWNLOADDOWNLOAD (Dropbox) | DOWNLOAD (SFS) My CC will always be free (and I will never use Adfly, etc) but if you enjoy my stuff and want to support me, feel free to help me save hardware upgrades, Photoshop, website hosting. Everything goes back into creating new CC. DONATE (Patreon) | DONATE (PayPal) Updates This item is fully up-to-date!